Three Simple Methods to Catch an Angry Cat

Do you find it hard to trap cats, or might you not know how to handle aggressive cats physically? Here we will provide some proven techniques to catch an angry cat safely.

It is not quite difficult to pick up wild cats; in fact, the angry or upset cat can be trapped with their favorite treats or simply with a towel. You can easily drag your kitty to the pet carrier but if you can’t do this trapping in the right way, then there is a certain chance that your cat may get more aggressive.

Here, our experts will show you the right way to implement all these cat-catching techniques with some useful tips. So, stay tuned and read this informative guide till the end for complete knowledge.

The Bottom Line Up Front – How to Deal an Angry Cat?

You shouldn’t pick up an angry cat as you may do in a routine. You must think out of the box and trap the aggressive kitty in various ways. Now just investigate that how calm your cat is at the moment and then apply any cat-catching technique.

The easiest way to catch an angry cat is to trap it in a blanket or towel. laser signals can also get this angry cat into the pet carrier. A feeding trap is another easy way to catch an angry cat with their favorite food. The fear in the cats can also be reduced with the right training and a softer approach from their owners.

Aggressive Signs of an Angry Cat

Before learning how to catch wild cats, you should know some common aggression signs in cats. It will help you to calm angry cats down without using a towel blanket process. The upset cat can be controlled in a better way if you understand these signs of the cat’s aggression.

Here you will learn these aggressive cat symbols in a shorter format so that you can quickly go through these signs:

  • Refused their favorite meal
  • Growling all the time on carpet or furniture
  • Twitching the cat’s tail
  • Don’t want to play with their favorite toy
  • Biting everyone
  • Ears are sticking out

How to Catch an Angry Cat Safely – Three Easy Methods

Now, it’s the right time to show you the best techniques to deal with an angry, scared cat. You have the option to approach your cat vet to control this aggressive attitude, but the DIY methods you learn in this section will surely help you to capture any aggressive cat without using any complex tools.

1. Using a Towel

Catching an angry cat can be done simply with a towel or blanket. You can easily get a cat in your arms with the safety of both. Let’s see how you can perform this trap by following some easy instructions:

  • Before trying this method, you must protect yourself from nasty scratches or bites from your cat. It is better to wear a hoodie or full-sleeve jacket made with thicker fabrics.
  • Now, move your cat into a single room and lock it so that your cat can’t escape from it.
  • If there is any unseen space, then you should block it to protect your cat from hiding in these places.
  • Now, arrange a long, heavy towel or blanket to trap your cat.
  • Before catching the aggressive cat, start talking with your cat in a calm voice.
  • Once you are sure that your kitty is feeling comfortable with you, suddenly throw the blanket over your cat without moving from your previous position.
  • Now, immediately catch your cat and wrap it in this towel before your kitty can see anything.
  • Never try to let it go now, and press the cat softly with your chest for a warm effect.
  • Make sure that you free your cat’s head instantly after catching it. This will eliminate the anxiety in your cat’s mind.
  • If you think the situation is under your full control, then release the blanket or towel from your cat.
  • Finally, if you want to give your kitty some oral medication, then find another way to give it. You can mix it in your cat’s favorite food or inject the medication.

2. Getting a Cat into a Pet Carrier

So, if you are thinking about how to get an angry cat into a carrier, then here you will learn this method with some easy steps:

  • If you want to load your cat into the pet carrier, you initially have to get your cat used to the carrier.
  • You can control your cat’s anxiety by spraying the pheromones on the carrier.
  • If you have a laser pointer, let your cat chase its mark towards the pet carrier which should already be placed near the kitty.
  • Make sure you open the carrier’s main door and place it on a stable surface. If your cat is still unwilling to move to this cage, you can softly push it towards the door of this carrier. Here, you can again take assistance from a soft blanket.
  • Once the cat enters your pet carrier, quickly close the main door and carry the carrier closer to your chest to give a lovely feel to your kitty.

3. Trapping a Feral Cat

Most feral cats are always hungry, so that you can trap them with food. This process is easier than putting your cat into a carrier or throwing the towel over it. You can also try the following instructions to catch an angry cat easily:

  • Start feeding the favorite food to the feral cat.
  • Now, put the trapping tool near this feeding spot and train your cat to enter this snare into this cage. If you have already used this trap for your cat’s feeding, your kitty will never be afraid of this cage.
  • Once the cat arrives in this trap, shut the door of carrier immediately.
  • You can also train your cat about this trap with one or two days of feeding before implementing this real practice.

What is the Best Way to Pick up a Cat

It is unfair to assume any of the techniques mentioned above is the best way to trap an angry cat. You can put your cat in the pet carrier safely or try to trap the upset cat with a food deception. The towel or blanket trap method is also used to handle a cat’s aggression. It actually depends on the intensity of your cat’s aggression, and need to apply any of these methods accordingly.

All these techniques can work for you if you tackle them in the right way. It is better to calm the aggressive cat with shorter methods as well before choosing any bigger trap. If you slowly approach or act small towards your cat, you can quickly transform your cat’s angry or upset mood into a happier one. It is not necessary to use the cat carrier or any other trap every time.

Pro Tips to Keep you Both Safe

As a cat owner, you must remember the following tips and tricks before applying any cat-catching method. These hacks will help you to do this task comfortably and safely:

  • Avoid chasing the angry cats; it will increase the intensity of their aggression.
  • Always try to apply any cat-catching technique in a safe environment.
  • If you find any difficulty, then take assistance from anyone.
  • Never think about harming your cat.
  • Remove the fear from your cats with your playful behavior.
  • Never show your aggression to the cat; this will make the situation more scary.
  • Try to train your cat with the pet carrier before forcefully putting it in.
  • Always act small and use a gentle voice with your cat.
  • Try to cover yourself from cat bites and scratches with a jacket or thicker fabric.

How to Fix the Fear of an Angry Old Cat

Now, this query is not so difficult to answer! It would help if you started eliminating this cat’s fear of their carriers and traps. If you got success at this point, then trust me, half of your job is done.

Besides this, you should trail through following instructions to get rid of the remaining fear of your kitties:

  • Always use your cat’s favorite blanket for trapping.
  • Treat your cats to their favorite food to reduce the fear.
  • Must take veterinary care or medication to help eliminate this fear from your cat.
  • Leave the door open if you feel that your cat is comfortable in the carrier.
  • You can straightaway go in a defensive mood and act small in front of your cat to minimize aggression or fear.
  • If your cat is hungry, give a few pieces of their favorite meal.

Some Common Questions about an Angry Cat

How do you handle an angry cat?

It is not tricky to handle an angry cat; you just need to act small and go towards your cat very slowly. If you ignore your cat’s behavior and give it a safe environment, your cat might trust you again and forget the aggression.

How do you pick up an unwilling cat?

The easiest way to pick up an unwilling cat can be done with a towel. You have to throw the towel from the back of your cat and quickly trap the kitty. If you place an cat carrier near your kitty then you can put your cat in it with some food clues or laser signals.

How do you catch a cat without a trap?

If you can’t find the trapping tool, you can also use the cat carrier or use any towel to pick up your favorite cats without hurting them.

How do you catch a cat with a towel?

It is quite easy to catch a cat with a towel. Once you catch any angry cat with a towel, you must focus on your cat’s legs and try to relax them slightly from your grip; otherwise, your cat may show more aggression toward you. The face should be pointed away from your side for protection.

How do you calm an aggressive, scared cat?

You should provide a safe environment to remove the fear of your cat. Most cat breeds will calm down from any level of aggression within two hours if you treat them gently.

How do I get my scared cat out of hiding?

The most important thing you can do is give your cat some time. You will surely see some positive behavior in your kitty. If your cat feels that there is no trapping on the way, then you will see your cat will quickly start playing with you.

Handling the Angry Mood of any Cat – Final Note

This article has covered all the techniques to catch an angry cat in detail. You can use these hacks to pick the aggressive cat without any danger. You can’t say any of these methods is the best it actually depends on the situation and intensity of your cat’s aggression.

It is not necessary to forcefully trap these cats; instead, you can also calm your kitties down and help them get rid of this aggression on the spot. Your cat will surely put more trust in you and will act more positively.

Good Luck, and Stay Safe!

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