My Dog Ate Ant Trap: What Should I Do?

Your puppy can attract to ant traps just because they are tasty and sweet insects. This creature is present in most homes and prove to be a food substance for your furry companion. If you notice that your puppy is rolling on the floor or biting at their backs, these are clear signs that your dog ate ant trap.

Don’t panic! The good news is that these tiny creatures are not harmful to your pet; even the commercial ant killers use innocuous ingredients in their construction. However, these ant traps may cause some serious illnesses in dogs.

Let’s find out these causes and the ultimate solution which helps pet owners to take care of their furry friends:

My Dog Got into Ant Trap – Important Takeaways

Ants are attractive creatures for dogs and are tasty baits for them. Sometimes puppies eat ant trap, and you need some health measures now for your furry friend.

The major signs of ant trap dogs are stomach bloating or routine vomiting. Your pup may bite at their backs as well.

Now you must consult your pet vet and follow certain rules to discourage ant growth in your living space. You have to monitor your dogs’ movements and do safety prevents to tackle these insects.

Symptoms of Food Poisoning in Dogs

Before going to start the actual process, you must know the food poisoning symptoms in your dogs. One thing is sure the ant trap may not cause any serious damage to puppies, but if they ingest more than two ounces ant poison or its killer, This amount of stuff will show you some serious signs in your pet, and you need to consult the vet.

The common symptoms of ant trap in dogs are vomiting, stomach bloating, or diarrhea. If you have a healthy pet, they might use the ante poison in a routine vomit and ingest the remaining poisonous substance.

Still, it is important to address and treat these ante bites. There is a certain chance that you recently did some disinfected spray and dog ate ant killer as well. Some commercial ant killers use harmful substances in their construction which may show you some serious warning signs in your puppy.

The Chemicals in Ant Traps

Now these chemicals mostly found in ant killers are different in terms of risk, although the quantity of this trap is another vital factor. Some of these chemicals are more dangerous than the ant trap itself. If you feel any grave toxicity concerns, it may be because of these chemicals. 

The most commonly used chemicals in ant trap are:

  • Borax
  • Abamectin
  • Hydramethylnon
  • Indoxacarb
  • Lambda-cyhalothrin

The Ultimate Solution of Dog Ate Ant Trap: 7 Easy Methods to Follow

Here, you must be looking for the ultimate solution to this ant trap poison dog problem. Now, if you feel that my dog ate ant trap, then simply follow these step-by-step instructions for peaceful results for your lovely pup:

Step 1: Check that your Dog is Alert and Bright-Looking

Your pet should always be responsive and alert. It is a clear sign of a healthy pup. If your dog gets into ant trap, his eyes will be down, and he will be less responsive. In this case, you should take medical assistance from your vet.

Any sudden change in your puppy’s behavior or undefined reaction should be tackled consciously.

Step 2: Pay Special Attention to Your Dog’s Mouth

If you are confident that your dog ate ant bait, you must evaluate how much it damages your pet’s stomach. If your furry friend is coughing, then you have to take it on a serious note. However, if there are lesser signs of throat infection or mouth cut in your pet, you shouldn’t worry about it and wait for any solemn symptom.  

Step 3: Contact at your Local Pet Poisoning Helpline

The pet owners always put their vet’s contact on top of the list. You should also hold the reference of a local pet poisoning helpline in your area. It will give you support in emergency cases. Still, before taking their customer service, you should have enough information or basic symptoms about your pet to take the proper guidelines from them.

You should report to the pet poisoning team only in serious conditions; otherwise, it is convenient to only take basic information or aid about your pet’s illness.

Step 4: Have your Dog’s Information on your Hands

As I said earlier, you must hold accurate information about your pet to dig out the evidences. It will help your vet or dog poisoning team to evaluate the situation nicely.

Further, the instructions received from the help desk should be properly followed so that you can treat your puppy at your place instead of taking them to your vet’s clinic every time.

Step 5: Continue to Monitor your Dog

You should not stop observing your dog at any stage. Every now and then, the hazardous signs of ant trap dogs ate show a bit late. You have to monitor every activity of your furry friend in that case. In some dog breeds, risky symptoms may appear after 36 to 48 hours.

If you see any evidence of diarrhea or abdominal pain in your pup or if he tries to bite on their backs, there is a chance of a lethal condition. After two or three days, you should be relieved from this risky situation.

Step 6: Remove all Ant Traps from your Dog’s Reach

Once you feel your pet is healthy and safe, it’s time to tackle these tiny creatures. You have to move ant away from your dog’s approach. This pro tip will surely help you to protect your puppy from an ant trap. If you still think your dog ate ant trap, you must treat your pet first and do this ant clearing task.

Here you have the option to use commercial ant killer; many similar products are available in a spray bottle which is extremely easy to apply to all the tight spaces of your home. You should target the major sources of these creatures, which will help you to discourage their future growth.

Step 7: Choose Dog-Safe Methods for Keeping your Home Ant-Free

Of course, you can’t restrict your furry friend to only one portion of your living space. If you do so, your pup may show aggression to you. So, it is a better option to make your home ant-free.

You have to monitor the food preparation spaces of your home closely. This might be the major source of these insects; further, you have to seal the trash cans and dustbin even placed in your home’s outdoor space.

Finally, you can do a routine spray with any commercial ant killer to eliminate this creature completely from your living space.

Future Safety Preventions

You can prevent your pet from such problems in the future by considering a few important tricks. It is vital to do some preventive measures in advance to keep your puppies safer.

The easiest prevention is to keep such traps out of your dog’s reach, but if you think your dog ate some ant trap, you should closely notice the change in their behavior.

You must bring an insect trap or dog ate ant killer at your home to get rid of this creature from your living area. Moreover, you must find the ant source, which might be under the TV or somewhere in your kitchen cabinet; it is great if you demolish their foundation for complete removal. This will surely do this job rather nicely.

People Also Ask!

What happens if your dog eats ant trap?

Your dog may experience diarrhea or feel sick after eating ant trap. This greasy substance will digest quickly and cause serious damage to your pet.

What do I do if my dog ate ant killer?

If you notice that your pet is still chewing the ant trap, instantly remove all the parts from your dog and around the floor. You may also take advice from the pet specialist or vet and follow their guidelines for a quick treatment. However, if you think your lovely dog eats this toxic or any of its substance and digests it properly, then it is recommended to consult the veterinarian for your satisfaction.

How long does it take for a dog to reach ant poison?

The signs of ant poison in dogs can be seen after 15 minutes, or it might take some hours, depending on the type of poison your pet has taken. The major symptom is your furry friend will try to roll around or bite at their backs anxiously.

How much will ant poison hurt a dog?

Your pet will surely show some reaction after digesting the ant trap. If you feel that the signs in the pet are not serious, you can take some time, but if you find some hazardous symptoms, you should consult the vet.

Is ant trap harmful to dogs?

Once the dog ingests ant trap in a larger quantity, it can be proven harmful. It may result in kidney damage or any other serious illness, but if the dog ate some ant trap or the quantity of this toxic is small, it could be safer.

The Bottom Line

Your healthy dog is still at risk of sickness from an ate ant trap. You have to take care of your pet with this malfunction, and if you notice any signs of this disease, you must check your pet’s mouth at initial stage.

It is so important to discourage your dogs for chewing the ante bite. You can keep your living space ant-free and prevent its future growth in your home to get rid of this anomaly with any commercial ant killer. 

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