When do Maltipoos Stop Growing – Average Size Dog Owner Guide

Are you tired of finding accurate statistics on Malitpoo’s weight and height? Look no further about when do Maltipoos stop growing with the bonus of some decisive factors which affect the growth of this furry dog. 

Maltipoo is a popular breed of dog that is a cross between a Maltese and a Poodle. They are known for their intelligence, affectionate nature, and hypoallergenic coat. As with all pups, Maltipoos go through several growth stages throughout their life.

In this article, we will discuss the growth stages of Maltipoos, when they stop growing, and what factors affect their growth.

How Big will my Maltipoo Get? Quick Facts and Figures

If you are a proud owner of a Maltipoo or planning to bring one home soon, you might wonder when your furry friend will stop growing.

Usually, these puppies reach their max weight and size at the age of 9 to 11 months. They will stop growing around 11 to 13 months. The adult height of Maltipoo dogs is 14 inches tall, and their weight is around 20 pounds, or a bit more for healthier ones.

Basics of Maltipoo Growth Rate

The growth rate of Maltipoos can vary depending on several factors such as genetics, nutrition, exercise, health, and environment. Typically, Maltipoos reach their full adult height and weight between eight and twelve months of age, but their growth can continue for up to 18 months. Proper nutrition, regular exercise, and veterinary care can help ensure Maltipoos grow healthily.

Understanding Maltipoo Growth Chart: 3 Major Stages

Maltipoos, like all dogs, go through various growth stages in their life. The three primary stages of a Maltipoo full grown are:

  • Puppyhood (0-6 months)

During this stage, these Maltese puppies are still growing rapidly. They will gain weight and height quickly and require much nutrition to support their growth. They will start teething at around 2-3 months old, and you may notice some chewing behavior.

  • Adolescence (6 months-1 year)

Now, Maltipoos will start to slow down their growth rate. They will gain weight at a slower pace and may not grow as tall. In addition, you should start to feed them a high-quality dog food that is appropriate for their age and size.

  • Adulthood (1 year and older)

This toy poodle will reach their full size and weight at this stage. They may continue to gain weight as they age, but it will be at a slower rate than during puppyhood.

Factors that Influence When do Maltipoos Stop Growing

Several factors can affect the growth of Maltipoos. Here are the most important ones:

a. Genetics

Genetics plays a significant role in determining a Maltipoo’s size and growth rate. The parents’ size and the Maltipoo’s generation (F1, F2, etc.) can influence their growth rate.

b. Nutrition

Proper nutrition is essential for the healthy growth of Maltipoos. They need a well-balanced diet that provides all the necessary nutrients, including protein, fat, and carbohydrates. Feeding them high-quality dog food that is appropriate for their age and size is essential.

c. Exercise

Regular exercise is important for the physical and mental well-being of these dog breeds. They need daily exercise to maintain a healthy weight and promote muscle development. Exercise also helps them release energy and prevent destructive behavior.

d. Health

The overall health of a Maltipoo can affect its growth rate. Health problems such as malnutrition, parasites, and infections can stunt their growth. Regular check-ups with a veterinarian are crucial for maintaining their health.

e. Environment

The environment in which Maltipoo lives can affect their growth. They need a safe and comfortable environment that is conducive to their physical and mental well-being. In addition, you should provide them a comfortable bed, toys, and a designated play area to help them grow rapidly. 

When Do Maltipoos Puppies Stop Growing?

Now, you will get the best idea of when do Maltipoos stop growing.

Usually, these Maltese puppies reach their full Maltipoo size and weight at around one year of age. However, some doggies may continue to grow slightly after this age. It is essential to provide them with a healthy diet and regular exercise to support their growth and development. Additionally, you should also arrange a vet for these pups for regular checkups. 

If you are considering getting a Maltipoo dog or already have one, then it is essential to understand how to take care of them properly. So, our experts will never leave you in the middle of an ocean and will explain an ultimate care guide as well for these Maltipoo pups.

Things to Care About Maltipoo Dogs – 12 Key Steps to Follow

Maltipoos are small dogs that are a mix between a Maltese and a Poodle, and they require specific care to keep them healthy and happy. Here, we will discuss some key aspects of caring for these lovely little doggies, including their diet, exercise, grooming, and health issues:

1. Providing a Balanced Diet

One of the most crucial things to care about in Maltipoo pups is their diet. These doggies require a well-balanced diet that includes high-quality protein, healthy fats, and carbohydrates. Moreover, you should avoid feeding your Maltipoo table scraps, as this can lead to obesity and health problems.

2. Maintaining a Healthy Weight

Obesity is a common health problem among Maltipoos, so it is essential to maintain a healthy weight. You should monitor your Maltipoo’s weight regularly and adjust your diet and exercise accordingly. Besides this, overfeeding and lack of exercise can lead to weight gain, which can put your Maltipoo at risk for health problems.

3. Daily Exercise

Maltipoos are an active breed that requires daily exercise to stay healthy and happy. You should aim to provide your Maltipoo with at least 30 minutes of exercise every day, which can include walking, playing fetch, or running in a fenced yard.

4. Mental Stimulation

In addition to physical exercise, Maltipoos also require mental stimulation. You can provide mental stimulation by playing games, training, and providing puzzle toys. Mental stimulation can help prevent boredom and destructive behavior.

5. Grooming

These pups have long, curly coat that requires regular grooming to prevent mats and tangles. You should brush these dogs daily and take them to a professional groomer every 4-6 weeks for a trim.

6. Bathing and Drying

Maltipoos should be bathed every 4-6 weeks to keep their coat clean and healthy. You should use a gentle, dog-specific shampoo and conditioner and dry them thoroughly after bathing to prevent skin irritation.

7. Brushing Teeth and Cleaning Ears

These puppies also require regular dental care to prevent tooth decay and gum disease. You should brush your Maltipoo’s teeth at least once a week and provide dental chews and toys. You should also clean their ears regularly to prevent infection.

8. Preventing Fleas and Ticks

Maltipoos are susceptible to fleas and ticks, which can cause health problems such as skin irritation and disease. You should use flea and tick prevention methods, such as collars, sprays, and topical treatments, to keep your Maltipoo protected.

9. Vaccinations and Regular Check-ups

They also require proper vaccinations to prevent diseases such as distemper, rabies, and parvovirus. Additionally, you should also take these fluffy pups to the vet regularly for check-ups and use the right preventative care, as advised by the vet. 

10. Common Health Issues

Maltipoos are generally healthy dogs, but they can be prone to health problems such as dental issues, allergies, and patellar luxation. You should monitor your Maltipoo for signs of these health issues and seek veterinary care if necessary.

11. Environmental Safety

Maltipoos are small dogs that can be easily injured or harmed by their environment. You should keep your Maltipoo on a leash when outside and supervise them closely. You should also keep hazardous substances, such as cleaning products and medications, out of reach.

12. Traveling with Maltipoos

These puppies are also great travel companions, but they require special care when on the road. You should ensure that your Maltipoo is properly restrained in a carrier or seatbelt harness while in the car. Additionally, you should also bring along their food, water, and necessary supplies.

When do Maltipoos Stop Growing – FAQs

How big do Maltipoos get?

Most Maltipoo dogs usually grow between 8 to 14 inches tall and weigh between 5 to 15 pounds in their first year. Moreover, they will grow slightly in the years to come. 

How can I support my Maltipoo’s growth?

Feeding them a high-quality dog food that is appropriate for their age and size, providing them with regular exercise, and taking them for regular check-ups with a veterinarian can support their growth and development.

How often should I brush my Maltipoo’s coat?

You should brush your Maltipoo’s coat daily to prevent mats and tangles. Although it is not necessary for these pups to give them daily bathe, still you need to provide a detailed bath after every 3-4 weeks for a neat and healthy coat.

How much exercise does a Maltipoo need?

These puppies require lots of physical activities and exercise to stay healthy and fit. Usually, they require at least 30 minutes of exercise every day, such as walking or playing fetch. It’s the responsibility of the pet owners to maintain a regular routine of these physical activities of their furry friends.

How can I prevent my Maltipoo from getting fleas and ticks?

You can prevent fleas and ticks by using flea and tick prevention methods, such as collars, sprays, and topical treatments. Many vets also recommend this method for Maltipoo doggies.

Can Maltipoos grow too quickly?

Sometimes Malitpoo pups grow too quickly. This may lead to some serious health problems. You should consult this issue with your nearest veterinarian for a piece of quick advice or regular treatment.

Can Maltipoos get overweight?

Yes, Maltipoos can become overweight if they are overfed or do not get enough exercise. So, it is essential to provide them with a healthy diet and regular exercise to prevent obesity.

The Bottom Line

Generally, Maltipoo dogs stop growing at around one year of age. However, their growth rate may vary depending on factors such as diet, exercise, and genetics.

It’s important to provide your Maltipoo with a balanced diet and plenty of exercises to ensure healthy growth and development. Moreover, regular visits to the vet can also help monitor your Maltipoo’s growth and address any potential issues.

Overall, providing proper care and attention to your Maltipoo can ensure they grow into a happy and healthy companion for years to come.

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