Why is My Pomeranian not Fluffy – Some Healthy Hair Growing Tips

Do you own a Pomeranian puppy and are worried about its slow growth cycle or short hair? You must be looking for some lovely cuddles for your furry dogs. If you are a pom lover and still lacking the furry stuff, then you must know the accurate answer of why is my Pomeranian not fluffy at all.

Although Pomeranian dogs are so cute, appearance isn’t everything. You have to maintain the furry nature of this dog for a silky feel.

But how it is possible to speed up the growth cycle of Pomeranian at a younger age? You have to make sure that you have thoroughly read all the sections of this perfect guide.

Are You in a Hurry…

The Pomeranian dogs are so cute, but sometimes the topcoat of this puppy produces short hair. The age factor, medical problems, genetics or shedding, and different growth stages are the major causes of any less fluffy pup.

You can also improve the hair growth cycle rate of Pomeranian dogs with the right diet plan, bedding format, exercise, and weather climates of your area.

Why isn’t my Pomeranian Fluffy – 5 Genuine Reasons

Most Pomeranian puppies are not fluffy like standard dogs. There is not a single reason for this flaw. In fact, there are tons of causes that make the Pomeranian dog a short hair breed. If you own the pom pup for the first time, then the normal or less fluffy coat will be your main concern.

In this section, you will learn five major reasons why are some Pomeranians fluffier than others and some pom’s fur may be short:

1. Age Factor:

The younger Pomeranian fluffy always contains a short hair coat. You will see only 1 to 2 inches of hair for the first year, which may be quite silky. You have to take more care of this puppy and its coat for the first 14 months. The most important concern for pom owners is regular grooming. To keep the hair growing at the right speed, you must maintain the right grooming and bathing schedule for this puppy, especially in its younger stages.

2. Growth Stage:

The growth stage of this dog breed is between the age of 4 to 12 months. This phase is also called the puppy uglies stage. It is the best time to make the coat clean and properly groomed. If you perfectly do this job and take this pom pup to the groomer’s shop on time, you will surely see positive results on the Pomeranian coat after 14 months.

If you notice any hair loss patches in this growth stage, then you must consult this skin issue with your vet because the skin of this puppy is very sensitive at this age, and the disease may go worst very quickly. So, you shouldn’t delay this matter in any case.

3. Any Medical Issue:

The medical problems of such sensitive dog breeds are always increasing at the speed of light. An infinite number of medical reasons can discourage the hair growth of any dog’s coat without any major disease.

One common medical issue in Pomeranian dogs is Black Skin Disease – BSD. Unfortunately, you couldn’t realize this cure as it is absolutely not painful. Moreover, this medical issue can be shown in this dog breed at any age.

4. Genetics:

The genetic issue is another common reason for short hair Pomeranians. If your dog is not purebred, you will surely see short hair signs at earlier stages. Sometimes the Pomeranian coat never looks quite right, and you notice uneven hair on the entire body of this dog because the bloodline will definitely affect the overall appearance of any dog breed.

The gene problem in Pomeranians is very effective indeed. So, you should ask the breeder of your puppy before buying it. Most hair and coat signs are shown after eight weeks of birth. You should calculate this time and check the topcoat of your Pomeranian pup with caution.

5. Shedding:

Shedding is another important reason for a short hair Pomeranian puppy. The shed routine of most Pomeranians is two times a year. As you will see outer coat and undercoat layer of a pom pup the hair can be a little flatter and short due to less shedding.

The temperature also matters a lot! If your pom pup is facing a hot environment, you must stay most of the time indoors. However, the shedding will happen if your Pomeranian experiences a colder climate. Regular brushing with the right tool will help to remove the dead hair and reduce the shedding in Pomeranians.

Growth Cycles of Pomeranian Coat

Another interesting aspect of Pomeranian hair fluffy is its hair growth stages. As a pom owner, you must know some detail about the double coat of this puppy and the growth cycles of hair on these coats.

It is better to measure this growth cycle of your Pomeranian coat at the adult stage. Because this adult coat will show you the accurate ratio of hair growth for the rest of your pom pup’s life. There is a total of three cycles of the Pomeranian coat, which are:

  • Anagen Phase: The most active growth phase for Pomeranian puppies is known as Anagen Phase. You will notice full length hair on the coat of your pom. This will also show off the breed and genetics of this dog.
  • Catagen Phase: The Transient Catagen Phase tells you the end of growth. It’s all about the finishing part of the fur for a Pomeranian.
  • Telogen Phase: The last cycle is referred to as Telogen, a non-growth phase of a pom pup. This is the hair loss stage of this dog and is the shedding part.

How do I Make my Pomeranian Fluffy – 4 Easy Ways

If you are still thinking that why is my Pomeranian not fluffy, then the good news is that you can make your Pomeranian a furry dog to enjoy lovely and soft cuddles. You can give your short hair Pomeranian a healthy glow of hair in four easy ways. Let’s check out these important tips to help your pom pup maintain a furry look:

1. Exercise & Weather

The two major factors to improve the fluffy look of your Pomeranian dogs are lots of exercise and the right weather climate. You can stimulate the blood flow in your pet with moderate exercise but with the right routine. It will help you to maintain a healthy coat of fur on this pom dog. You can arrange a short exercise session in your home garden and take this dog for an outdoor walk.

The environment of your dog’s surroundings also plays a crucial part in a fluffy Pomeranian. You should never expose this sensitive dog to summer sun or any hot weather climate. The dry air and heat will surely damage the topcoat of this puppy, and you will see some serious skin issues penetrating the skin of the pom. It is better to accumulate this pom pup in a cooler atmosphere to keep its coat in the working position.

2. Healthy Diet

As a pom pup owner, you must consider meat, carbohydrates, fats, dairy products, fruits, and vegetables with the right diet plan. It is important to maintain a diet sheet and stick to it to help your puppy for a fluffy coat. Sometimes the puppies ignore such food or do not eat hygienic items for no reason. If you are worried about this issue or think why is my Pomeranian not eating such healthy food then you should consult with your vet about it.

3. Detect the Skin Problems

You must diagnose all the skin issues or diseases at an early stage of the cure. If you groom the pom’s coat once a week, you can easily detect all the skin problems of your Pomeranian puppy. If you encounter any skin or allergic disorder, you should immediately approach your local vet to eliminate it.

Make sure that this condition is at an earlier stage to ease up your vet’s job. If you notice any signs of eczema or red patches that irritate your sensitive dog, you should also take it to the vet’s notice.

4. Bedding Format

The right type of sleeping surface helps the Pomeranian dogs maintain a fluffy look. If your dog is sleeping on a concrete surface, the fur will quickly wear off from your puppy’s body, especially on the joint areas. If this sensitive dog continuously lies on the grass, then this pom puppy will also suffer from insect bites.

You have to arrange a separate sleeping area for this puppy to maintain the right amount of fur on its body.

A Quick Video Tutorial

Now, let’s see in a video that how you can groom a little Pomeranian dog and give a perfectly fluffy look at your home:

Does Bathing Help a Pomeranian’s Coat?

If you can’t manage the grooming routine of this lovely Pomeranian, then don’t worry; you can still improve the coat of this pom pup with the right schedule of bathing and brushing. It is important to give your Pomeranian a routine bath to keep the topcoat working in the right way. A short brushing session will also improve the sheen of pom’s fur.

If you don’t follow this bathing routine, then the coat of your lovely Pomeranian may get matted, and the dry skin will cause plenty of diseases. Therefore, you must know the importance of bathing for this Pomeranian dog.

Why is my Pomeranian’s Fur not Fluffy – FAQs

How do I make my Pomeranian Fluffy?

Regular bathing is the easiest way to make your Pomeranian fluffy. You should use the pin brush on your puppy’s fur in the back to front direction after every bath for natural growth. It will also eliminate the dead hair and mats from the fur of your Pomeranian and make it fluffy.

How often should I wash my Pomeranian?

It’s a great practice to give a detailed bath to your poms after every three weeks. It will also reduce the dryness in the skin and other fur diseases in your Pomeranian dogs.

Why does my Pom look like a fox?

The red sable and orange Pomeranian with markings look very much similar to a fox. If you see an orange sable with white or cream as a secondary color, even then, you may assume this Pomeranian is a fox.

How do I know if my Pomeranian is pure?

The DNA testing and Pedigree Papers will confirm the exact parent breeds of a Pomeranian. Your breeder will also answer this query and precisely elaborate if there is a mixture of canine or any other kind of breed in a Pomeranian dog.

Why do some Pomeranians look different?

You will notice many puppies of Pomeranian format are different from each other. This is due to their genetics and parent breeds. Some may look really short, or others are uglies from birth. The body structure and coats of these puppies are also different from one Pomeranian to another.

Are Pomeranians born Fluffy?

There is a single layer of fur on the topcoat of Pomeranian puppies at the time of their birth. Most experts said that it might take one to two years to grow the Pomeranian coat fully. You will find the fur and coat of a Pomeranian in the right position at the adult stage.

Should I brush my Pomeranian wet or dry?

Never try to brush the dry hair of a Pomeranian! The coat of these puppies should be misted before the start of a brushing session. You can also use a light mist of spray in the right quantity to distribute the hair throughout the topcoat and undercoat.

My Pomeranian isn’t Fluffy – Closing Thoughts

That’s all from my end! Now, it’s up to you how you can manage the furry look of your Pomeranian dog. In this informative article, you have learned the right way to maintain this pom pup’s double coat and sensitive skin. You should also know some important causes of why your Pomeranian dog is not fluffy.

The importance of bathing is always there to eliminate the dryness of this gentle dog. The right grooming schedule also helps these pups to grow their hair perfectly.

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